Suffolk Community Awards

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Learn How it Works!

what sort of examples can we include in our entry?

The entry can include any current activities as well as anything that has taken place over the past 12 months. Please feel free to include any examples that demonstrate impact village or town life such as community spirit, caring for the natural environment or special activities that address specific needs of residents. Make sure you take the opportunity to demonstrate how you communicate with your community, either through a website, local magazine, social media or by knocking on doors and meeting people face to face. In particular the Judges will be looking for examples that meets the needs of all residents.

What is meant by community spirit?
  • How do you keep people informed about what is happening?
  • How are newcomers welcomed?
  • How do you try to ensure everyone can be involved in village activities?
  • How many people help out or volunteer for community projects and activities?
  • Do you have any success in getting support from local businesses?
  • How many village organisations do you have and what do they do?
Can you give me some other examples of what can be included that demonstrates impact on village or town life?

Judges are not looking for a naturally ‘pretty’ village or town but at how you care for your village or town. Some suggested areas for inclusion are:

  • How do you care for your public buildings? (Church and churchyard, village hall etc)
  • Do you have any special initiatives to improve facilities or tidy up the village or town?
  • Do you have any problem areas and how do you address these problems?
  • How do you care for your open spaces/footpaths etc?

Make sure you include any special initiatives/events being planned or held recently which are special to your village or town and might impress the judges.

What is the difference between a large and a small village?

As per previous year’s competitions, we have two village categories; large village and small village. Large villages in this instance are defined as those with a population of more than 1,000 people, and small villages are therefore those with a population of less than 1,000 people.

Can anyone apart from those on a town/ parish council enter on behalf of their community?

We hope to receive entries that reflect the views of the whole community. We strongly
encourage the town and parish councils to involve other community and sports groups within their locality when compiling the entry form. Community groups that take a lead role in encouraging people to become and stay physically active are also eligible to enter on behalf of their community.

How much detailed information do we need to give in our entry form?

So we can judge the competition fairly, the entry form needs to give the judges not only an overall general view using a variety of examples but also, for example, an estimate of the number of people impacted or benefitting. 

What else can be included?

Suffolk towns and villages and their surroundings often contain areas that are important for wildlife, such as village greens, ponds, hedges, churchyards, woods or green lanes.  These areas may also be valuable as an educational, recreational or amenity resource for the local community.   Are there any areas within the parish boundary that are valuable for wildlife?  Who looks after them, how are they managed and how are they used and valued by the local community?

Does your town or village have any open spaces and if so how are these managed, does the community get involved, do you have any examples of past and present projects or special initiatives that are unique to this area.

Suffolk Community Awards
When do we have to complete and submit our entry by?

The closing date for entries is midnight on Sunday 14th July 2024

How long should it take to complete the entry process?

We expect the form to be simple to complete and should not take long.  However, we would strongly encourage entrants to spend some time contacting others within the community so that a good overall picture of village or town life can be demonstrated before submitting the entry. 

Kevin Ward
What happens once we submit our entry form?

A judging panel made-up of representatives of organisations behind the awards and sponsors will carefully consider all entry forms submitted. The winners will be notified in August and invited to a presentation ceremony at the Food Museum on Tuesday 24th September between 4.30pm and 7pm.