Suffolk Community Awards
The Award Winners – 2023
Suffolk County Council

Community Action Suffolk

Most Active Village of the Year
Winner: Coddenham
Most Active Town of the Year
Winner: Mildenhall
Suffolk Association of Local Councils

Small Village of the Year
Winner: Cockfield
Highly commended: Bucklesham and Theberton & Eastbridge
Large Village if the Year
Joint Winners: Kessingland and Thurston
Town of the Year
Winner: Sudbury
Highly commended: Stowmarket and Kesgrave
The Colonel Probert award – for community initiative
Winner: Compassionate Companions
The Ian Campbell MBE award – for individual initiative
Winner: Jean Evans
The Village Hall or Community Building award
Winner: Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre
The Faith Award
Winner: Red Lodge Lightwaver
Andrew Towers Award
Winner: Rosie Burl
Roddy Macleod Award
Winner: CYDS
Anne Dunford OBE Award
Winner: Inspire team – Naomi Morgan, Keith Mcdowell and Alex Worne
Suffolk Good Neighbour Award
Winner: Acton GNS
Event Organiser of the Year
Winner: Ipswich junior parkrun core team
Outstanding Contribution to Volunteering Award
Winner: Kelly Bennett